domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2020

Post 5: My Best Friend


I was born in a small and desolate city in the north of Chile, Calama. At that time, in the early 2000s, everything related to entertainment, technology, television, health and education was very poor. When I was born into my family, I was very poor and our house was made of adobe and a dirt floor. We didn't have a drain, a bathroom in good condition, and we didn't have many amenities. My neighbors had similar conditions, in addition there were not many children my age and the few that had were in "bad steps". For this reason, in my childhood I did not have many friends, and in my school it was similar. It was a school with good infrastructure but due to the conditions of my family it was not very friendly. I had few friends and they weren't really friends, and the few I had I lost because I had to deal with things that a child shouldn't. Or so they would say in current times. That is why my best friends were my own family and especially my two mothers and my uncles who were the ones who tried the most to get ahead and get out of our bad situation. They are my best friends because they shared our sorrows with me, I have always known them and I have very nice memories with them and we continue to make more memories. My first mother died this year and with her I have memories like this: When I was a child I did not know how to talk to my grandmother (my first mother) so when I dared I called her grandmother. She reacted with shock and said forcefully: "Grandma no, tell me Vicky or Mom Vicky." I never told her grandmother again.

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020

Post 4: My Favorite Festivity


My favorite holiday is Christmas because my whole family gets together that day. My uncles, cousins ​​and grandparents come, and we get together for dinner to chat, play, and enjoy. Christmas is celebrated on December 25th of eavery year. From what I have seen and understood on the internet, Christmas has many origins. One of them is the Roman one where on December 25th they celebrated the feast of the Birth of the undefeated Sun of the God Apollo. My favourite activity at Christmas is playing with my uncles all videogames we can.

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2020

Post 3: My Favorite Piece of Technology

My relationship with technology is very close, because when I was four years old my uncles taught me to use the computer and the video game console. In our house we had a Super Nintendo console and a computer with emulator programs such as Nintendo 64 emulator, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo Entertainment system, Super Nintendo and also PC games like Age of Empires.That is why I currently use my tech stuff to play video games and I usually look at my social media. I play video games every day, especially JRPG games and Super Smash Bros Ultimate because I love the competitive scene, my main ones are Marth and Hero obviously because Hero comes from the Dragon Quest series. Also, I use my PC to play current games and play emulators, for example, Play Station 2 emulator, and unfortunately, I do my college homework. The reason I like video games is because my uncles supported me, and I learned to appreciate games, they are also fun. My life without my video game consoles, my PC and my phone would be sad, and I don't know what it would be like.

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2020

Post 2: Why did you chose your career

When I was a child, I never thought about a job I wanted because with my uncles played any game except games about being a doctor or a police or those things We played videogames or played to hit each other and also played table games. I remember that we played “Mitos y leyendas” card game. Because of that I never considered thinking about a profession. Also, my family believe in values that emerge form indigenous heritage for that reason my family taught me that the most important thing in life is to continue believing in your values and be happy with those values. In my family, having a profession is not important the important thing is to learn and fight and never give up your goals, to succed in life. You can learn everywhere; you do not learn at university necessarily. All that is done with motivation in my family, my uncles and me used to say that if there is a job or activity that it is not important for ourselves, we do not do this activity. For that reason, when I was deciding which career I should study, I did not give much importance to the decision. I got a good score in the PSU exam, and I was going to a scientific career about physics. In that moment my mother said: you should think your options more and I changed my option for a program at university of Chile “Bachillerato”. Then I started in sociology because the career motived me in that moment. In the present I am not very motivated with sociology. Because as I said I believe the profession is not important. In summary I decided for the program and sociology just for one simple reason: in that moment when I decided I was a bit motivated. Also, I think that was a disinterested decision. My experience at university is ok I suppose. Because I am not really interested in the situation of the university for example in the student board or their organization in activities such as manifestation and protests. The professors are good, and I like their lessons. In the online class I am more relaxed because I am not in Santiago, I am in Calama with my family and that is good for me. Regarding my future jobs, I have not thought about that. I want my jobs to be great, maybe I want that if I fight and I work hard I will be fine anywhere.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2020

My autobiography

Hello everyone 

I’m Brian and this is my autobiography. I was born on Aug 24, 1998 in Calama.  I started my elementary school in 2005, maybe. I don’t remember, the name of my school is “Escuela Presidente Balmaceda”. It’s a really bad school with the most terrible techers in the country it's not a joke. I did my high school at “Liceo Luis Cruz Martinez” in 2013 and I finished on 2016. Then I started at “Universidad de Chile” in 2018. My education was very boring and bad, I went to bad schools maybe except my university. My mother’s name is Lady and I have one brother his name is Cristobal and my grandma’s name is Virginia. My grandma have cancer, she was diagnosed the last week. She is very sad with the news and also my family. My favorite hobbie is play video games especially the RPG games and I hate English I hate this language because it's extrange and boring. I just study English for play more video games. And that’s it. 

Post 5: My Best Friend

  I was born in a small and desolate city in the north of Chile, Calama. At that time, in the early 2000s, everything related to entertainme...